Chair Phyllis Randall Should Hang Her Head

 Phyllis Randall and the rest of the board of supervisors should hang their heads in shame and resign!


During the week of 9 April and 16 April of this year, they allowed the gang of thieves, murderers and thugs that Mike Chapman has forced us to support with our tax dollars to harass Christians during this most holy week of the year at an unprecedented level!!!

Not only were these criminals out in force during the month of April, trying to get their quotas filled, but they more than quadrupled their presence on the Easter week! We have one report from a reader that they were harassed Eight times in just the course of three hours on Good Friday!!! This underscores the rabid, anti-Christian behavior that is the policy of the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office, a true criminal organization! Their very existence is a RICO statue violation!

So shame on the board of supervisors for letting this gang of criminals take our money, and to all the board members we say remember this:

Phyllis J. Randall, you are anti-Christian!

Ralph M. Buona, you are anti-Christian!

Suzanne M. Volpe, you are anti-Christian!

Tony R. Buffington Jr., you are anti-Christian!

Ron A. Meyer, you are anti-Christian!

Geary M. Higgins, you are anti-Christian!

Matthew F. Letourneau, you are anti-Christian!

Kristen C. Umstattd, you are anti-Christian!

Koran T. Saines, you are anti-Christian!

Just as long as you support this hideously evil anti-Christian organization and impose their sadistic hobby on the citizens of Loudoun County!


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