Sheriff's Office Steps Up Attacks on Sterling!!!




The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office has increased it's attacks on the residents of Sterling in recent months. They have been caught burglarizing homes in the Sterling area, trespassing on private property, harassing Sterling residents at home and where they shop.

 Be aware and advised, that if you are in Sterling, you have an increased risk of being preyed upon by this highly corrupt county government organization. Sheriff's deputies have also been caught lately drag racing down many roads lately, including Sterling Blvd. This is bad enough in normal weather, but with the ice and snow that we have been having lately, they become lethal weapons directed at the residents of this county.

 Add to this is the fact that they are transforming into a twisted domestic version of the CIA, spying on the residents of this county like some modern day version of the WWII era Nazi Gestapo. Phyllis J. Randall, Tony R. Buffington Jr, Suzanne M. Volpe, Ralph M. Buona, Ron A. Meyer, Geary M. Higgins, Matthew F. Letourneau, & Kristen C. Umstattd, all do not care that the citizens of this county are being harassed on a continual basis, and Koran T. Saines seems oblivious about the fact that the residents of Sterling are suffering these increasing attacks.

UPDATE: November 8, 2016 – The LCSO is actively trying to keep people in Sterling Park from Voting by filling their ticket quota for the month in one night!!!

Those of us who live in the other parts of this county should take heed of this warning. This kind of unchecked corruption and criminality will only move west, so none of us should feel safe with this element in our neighborhoods and lurking around our families.

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