Corrupt Loudoun: The Government Chronicles
- Details
- Published: Tuesday, 05 March 2019 22:48
- Written by Duke
- Hits: 2725
This is the first installment of our corruption in Loudoun County series. It details the corruption in our county today in the hopes that exposing it will be the first step in eliminating this plague on Loudoun.
The Loudoun County Government is a very corrupt and greedy government. They keep taking more and more of the fruits of labor of the hard working classes in this county, while returning less in return each year.
While this wholesale robbery of the taxpayers has gone unchecked, our roads have crumbled, the education system in this county has gotten farther behind the times, our economy has stagnated, and so have our communities.
The fact that some of the roads in this county are not paved is hideous, especially since the taxes in this county are at a premium.
Every road in this county should be paved!
Of the roads that are paved, it is easier to list the number of them that are in good condition than to list the ones that are pock-marked and give new meaning to the term pot-hole.
Every road in this county should be a smooth as a new baby’s posterior.
This doesn’t even get into the fact that the road systems in this county have more in common with dangerous 18th century roundabout technology than a modern 21st century road system with positive traffic control.
The road system should promote safety above all!
Yet the current design of the road systems in this area has more to do with creating more accidents than it has with promoting safety. The traffic situation at the route 7 and route 9 interchange is the poster child against this kind of poor design of road systems. That interchange is barely a few years old and it needs to be fixed ad updated into at least a 2oth century interchange design!
Graft and Corruption
Additionally, the county’s runaway budgets are meant to divert a large section of the county’s economy to an under-worked and arrogant class of government worker, up to and including paying for their own personal vehicles in total.
Loudoun maintains one of the largest fleets of vehicles for the private use of the county workers, and it never holds them accountable on the roads. There are many incidents of these ‘workers’ creating traffic hazards, Cutting people off in traffic , potentially causing accidents.
From clogging our traffic to cutting people off, if it’s a traffic violation, then likely it’s a county ‘employee’ committing the deed. And they get a free pass as far as the court system is concerned.
Many people are are on tight budgets and cannot afford the runaway government that we have in Loudoun county. The tax rates in Loudoun need to be 1% of what they are now. Definitely not a retirement friendly county. Obviously retirees and old people in general are not wanted in Loudoun. That does not make for healthy, growing communities. Without all ages in a community, it stagnates and eventually deteriorates.
Property Rights and Pseudo-Governments
In addition to all this, the county board of supervisors can’t even protect the rights of homeowners in Loudoun, allowing organizations like these to broadcast their loud, raucous, drunken late night parties to the neighborhoods they have forced their way into the night.
The Government of Loudoun County also supports these HOA pseudo-governments, euphemistically called “Home Owners Associations”, in violation of every precept and precedent in common law. These pseudo-governments have all the power, and no responsibility to the taxpayers and voters. They are forced upon the taxpayers as a condition of owning a house in Loudoun County, essentially a form of duress.
The county government is in league with the home building companies that come through counties like Loudoun. Allowing these companies to tear up the county, setting up these pseudo-governments that also tear up the communities that we live in and run fast and hard with all the money they take from the people. The supervisors consistently resist all calls to enact laws that allow Loudoun County Homeowners to opt-out of any HOA at any time with no financial penalty.
The message from the county government is clear, pay this extortion or loose your rights to your property. The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution definitely does not apply in Loudoun County.
The county government also gives these fly-by-night companies a complete pass on all building regulations, putting up a long series of shoddy homes that may look great on the outside initially, but have all kinds of surprises for homeowners just a short time down the road.
You are much better off buying a resident homeowner built house as they put so much overbearing regulation and oversight that those are the homes that will likely be built right and will last a lifetime.
Compounding these attacks on the U.S. Constitution, the county government has a decidedly anti-Christian bias. From their wholesale support of the crooked and anti-Christian sheriff’s office, to lack of support of Christian churches in most communities, Loudoun county is not Christian friendly. This is not only sad, but alarming due to the fact that Christianity has an overwhelmingly positive effect on any community where it is allowed to flourish.
Voter Intimidation and Endangerment
Yes, even in this day and age of touting frees speech, individual rights, the county supports the intimidation of voters not only by crooked cops (more on that in a later article in the series), but also by the very poll workers themselves. The board of supervisors, lead by Phyllis Randall, has the poll workers blurting out the very names and addresses of the voters at the poll locations. Not only does this violate the Virginia state Constitution, but it also endangers the safety and security of every voter that comes to the polls. How is Ms Randall going to feel when some stalker at the polls learns the name and address of some twenty-something woman that later gets attacked because Phyllis supports this blatant voter intimidation tactic.
Basic Services
In the simple services like snow removal the county also fails to hit the mark. Not only do they not have any equipment to actuallremove the snow from the streets of Loudoun county (in other words literally pick the snow up and move it coof the roads), they don’t even have near enough snow plows to take care of the initial clearing that is needed to make way for snow removal equipment! In view of the fact that the county spends millions of dollars each year on 4-wheel and all-wheel drive vehicles, few of them are equipped with a snow plow
In short, The government in Loudoun county is an overpriced, overbearing, intolerant anti-US, anti-Constitution, anti-Christian government that is more interested in money and power than it is serving the citizens of Loudoun. It is no wonder that the county supports a government run religion with our tax dollars, but that is the subject for a future article in this series.
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