Government Corruption - Crooked Justice
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- Published: Tuesday, 08 October 2019 20:42
- Written by John
- Hits: 2527
The Corrupt and Corroded ‘Justice System’ of Loudoun County
The so-called ‘Justice System’ in Loudoun County has a very checkered past. From crooked judges overriding the stated wishes of the voters, in violation of the US Constitution and the Virginia State Constitution, to the crooked cops trying to intimidate voters to vote ‘their way’ in both primary and general elections, Loudoun county’s system is corroded in the extreme.
With so much to report, where to start. It is difficult to list the long list of criminal acts by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) without ranking them, so from the minor to the downright frightening, here goes:
The most minor (Conduct unbecoming):
Parking left wheels to curb
Blocking people in in parking lots (absent any official action)
Being out of uniform (wearing something akin to the uniform that an SS officer might have worn in Hitler’s Germany)
Not so bad you say? Excusable you might say? After all, they have an important job function in our society.
Most people might agree with you if not for the more gregarious criminal behavior of this notorious organization. The bad behavior only gets worse in the realm of real abuse:
Taking their girlfriends on patrol
Trespassing on private property
Creating menaces to navigation on the highways – Pulling people over in their quota hunt and not getting all the way off the road. (Reckless endangerment)
Tailgating on highways (Reckless endangerment)
Still not too bad? Make the argument that they know how to drive and can handle being a little reckless?
There are no professional drivers that will ever try and make that argument because they know that the variables in that equation are too vast and can raise their ugly and dangerous head at a moment’s notice.
Moving on, to still more troublesome and some really dangerous activity:
Election fraud
One Primary election subverted – succeeded in bullying people from voting in a primary
Tried to keep people from voting in second primary by lurking outside voting locations
Stopping people on general election day for no good reason – trying to bully them into not voting
General fraud
Using unmarked ‘stalker’ vehicles to moonlight as Uber drivers
Vandalizing private property and covering up the fact that they did
Reckless endangerment
Running red lights
Using the emergency lights to run red lights – numerous accounts
Drinking on duty – several traffic stops where the LCSO employee (crooked deputy) was obviously not in their right mind
Drag racing on roads – Been caught on Sterling Blvd several times
Going further, in addition to the large number of times and ways that the LCSO employees lie to the public that pays their freight, there are even higher criminal acts:
Manufacturing evidence on citizens
Stealing cars and selling them back to their owners
Threatening to shoot someone who is taking their picture
Leaving explosives on a School Bus
Have been seen numerous times breaking into private property
Stalking Christians on Sunday while they are trying to go to church
Lurking Out front of Sunday Services Locations
Stalking in general – Including stalking of young girls – one incident late at night in Purcellville
Blocking the Gideon’s International organization from the jail on several occasions
Before you start to take issue with that last one, others have put forward the excuse that their might be some sort of “security issue” there, but that excuse is exposed for what it is by two factors. One, the lawyers who make up the Gideon’s in Loudoun, who work in the court system in Loudoun, have expressed severe puzzlement over this action by Mike Chapman on at least two occasions.
Second, Prison Fellowship Ministries, a old and respected Christian organization that runs ministries in many maximum security prisons across this country, has it’s headquarters in Landsdowne, VA just a few miles from that jail. If Mike Chapman wants to feign “security issues” all he has to do is enlist the help of those experts.
This is a clear cut case of Christian persecution, no more, no less.
Inhumane conditions could also be an additional explanation for their reaction to such an upstanding Christian organization being allowed into the jail.
Most troublesome are the serious crimes that they are implicated in including:
Three arsons in the county – Including one where four of Chapman’s henchmen were seen lurking in the close vicinity on two separate nights within just a couple of weeks of the house fire.
Being accessories in two murders that they helped to cover up, one in Leesburg and one in Purcellville.
Add to all of this is the fact that the so-called “sign trailers” that they have parked at various road sides and on people’s private property, committing vandalism by the way, have also been shown to have the secondary purpose of spying on people!
The icing on this cake, there is one deputy that spends their afternoons lurking around a cemetery in Sterling. It might not be illegal, but it is surely creepy.
Now, where is the so-called legal system in all this? Simple, the courts in Loudoun county take the position that any cop can lie to any citizen at any time, in clear violation of the US and Virginia State Constitutions, and as a consequence, they can also cheat, steal, vandalize, maim and murder at will, with no oversight.
The court system in Loudoun county is more concerned about keeping their federal funding than upholding the law. That and overturning the voter’s clear direction in turning down their desire for an expensive, marble encrusted courthouse. Clearly accomplices to all the criminal actions of the cops in this county.
But wait, why don’t you call the Virginia State Police (VSP), you say? Well the plain fact is that people have tried and they get the simple answer “Sorry, but that’s not our problem”
Clearly the VSP is just as corrupt and is literally stealing from the taxpayers.
It is no wonder that the LCSO has been under investigation for decades by the FBI, and the Loudoun County Court system has been forbidden from holding any jury trials, it’s simply too irresponsible in Loudoun County to place the citizens in such severe risk in order to have a free society!
Clearly, citizens need to be warned that any contact with any member of the LCSO is a dangerous venture at best and should be avoided at all costs. If you don’t live in Loudoun, don’t come here, to live, work or play if you can at all help it, and if you can’t get through the county as expeditiously as possible. This is a hazardous place for anyone thinking it is a free society.
So the big question is why, knowing that the LCSO has been a long time criminal organization, does the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors continue to fund, and more importantly, continue to increase funding to this gang of thugs?
It’s the duty of every Loudoun Count Citizen to vigorously and continuously ask that question of the Board until we get an answer, so here are the contact information for the current board members:
Phyllis Randall, Geary Higgins, Laura Tekrony, Koran Saines, Ralph Buona, Suzanne Volpe, Tony Buffington, Ron Meyer, Matt Letourneau, Kristen Umstattd
We encourage everyone in the county to demand an immediate explanation.
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